Evidence-based approach to Social and Emotional Learning, developed at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence.
at Colebrook School
What is RULER all about?
The Charter: Building and Sustaining a Positive Emotional Climate
For more information on the Charter or Mood Meter, see links below.
Mood Meter
Mood Meter Basics: The Mood Meter is made up of four different colored quadrants, each representing different types of feelings.
Blue – lower energy, degree of unpleasantness (like sad or lonely)
Red – higher energy, degree of unpleasantness (like anger or fear)
Yellow – higher energy, degree of pleasantness (like joy or excited)
Green – lower energy, degree of pleasantness (like included or relaxed)

RULER Brochure
CLICK image to learn more about the RULER approach.

CLICK image to learn more about RULER and Emotional Intelligence.

Emotions Matter
CLICK image to read Emotions Matter article.

RULER Anchor Overviews
Click the image to review the RULER Anchors of Emotional Intelligence!

Create a Family Charter!
Click the image to learn how to establish a Charter for your home!