Series 5000 - Students
Number Regulation
1. Concept and Roles in Student Policies
5010 P A. Goals and Objectives
2. Elementary and Secondary
A. Attendance
5111 P (1) Admission
5112 P (2) Ages of Attendance
(3) Attendance and Excuses
5113.2 P (a) Truancy
5114 P (4) Suspension/Expulsion; Student Due Process
5114.12 P (5) Student Handbooks
5116 P (6) School Census
5117.1 P (7) Intra-District Choice
5117.2 P (8) Inter-District Choice
5117.4 P (9) Intra-district Transfer Students
5118 P (10) Nonresident Students
5118.01 P/R (11) Nonresident Tuition
5118.1 P/R (12) Homeless Students
B. Progress/Records
5121 P (1) Examination/Grading/Rating
(2) Assignment to Teachers and Classes
5122.3 P (a) Assignment of Former Home-Schooled Students to Classes
5123 P (3) Promotion/Retention
5124 P (4) Reporting to Parents
5124.2 P (5) Release of Report Cards
5125 P/R (6) Student Records; Confidentiality
C. Activities
(1) Conduct
5131.111 P (a) Video Surveillance
5131.5 P (b) Vandalism
5131.6 P/R (c) Drugs, Tobacco, Alcohol
5131.612 P/R (d) Surrender of Physical Evidence Obtained From Students
5131.7 P (e) Weapons and Dangerous Instruments
5131.81 P (f) Use of Electronic Devices
5131.911 P (g) School Climate
5131.913 P (h) Cyberbullying
5131.92 P (I) Corporal Punishment/Reasonable Physical Force
5132 P (2) Dress Code
D. Welfare
5141 P (1) Health
(a) Illness
5141.21 P/R (i) Administering Medication
5141.211 P/R (ii) Glucose Self-Monitoring
5141.22 P/R (iii) Communicable/Infectious Diseases
5141.231 P (iv) Psychotropic Drug Use
5141.24 P (v) Students With HIV, ARC, AIDS
5141.25 P/R (b) Students with Special Health Care Needs/Food Allergy Management
5141.26 P (c) Emergency Situation With No Nurse in School
5141.27 P/R (d) First Aid/Emergency Medical Care Use of Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs)
5141.3 P (e) Health Assessments & Immunizations
5141.33 P/R (f) Health Records
5141.4 P (g) Reporting Child Abuse, Neglect, and Sexual Assault
5141.5 P (h) Suicide Prevention/Intervention
(2) Safety
5142.1 P (a) Relations with Non-custodial Parents
5142.2 P (b) Dismissal Precautions
5144.1 P (3) Use of Physical Force
(4) Civil & Legal Rights and Responsibilities
(a) Invasion of Privacy
5145.12 P (i) Search and Seizure
5145.15 P (ii) Directory Information
5145.44 P/R (3) Title IX
5145.51 P (4) Peer Sexual Harassment
5145.6 P (a) Student Grievance Procedure
452 Smith Hill Road, PO Box 9, Colebrook, Connecticut 06021 Phone: (860) 379-2179 Fax: (860) 379-9506