Series 3000 - Business & Non-Instructional Operations
Number Regulation
1. Concept and Roles in Business & Non-Instructional Operations
3010 P A. Goals and Objectives
3100 P 2. Budget/Budgeting System
3150 P A. Adoption of Budget
3170 P B. Budget Administration
3. Income
3240 P A. Tuition Fees
3250 P B. Materials/Services; Fees, Fines, Charges
3260 P C. Sales and Disposal of Books, Equipment and Supplies
3280 P D. Gifts, Grants and Bequests
3281 P (1) School Fund Raisers
3290 P E. Funds Management (Grants and Other Revenue)
(1) Depository
3293.1 P (a) Authorization of Signature
4. Expenditures/Expending Authority
A. Purchasing Procedures
3324.1 P (1) Contracts
3326 P (2) Paying for Goods and Services
3326.1 P (a) Payroll Procedures and Authorized Signatures
5. Accounts
3440 P A. Inventories
B. Monies in School Buildings
3451 P (1) Petty Cash Funds
6. Non Instructional Operations
3510 P A. Operation and Maintenance of Plant
3511 P/R B. Compliance with 504 Regulations
C. Buildings
3513 (1) Utilities
3513.1 P (a) Energy Conservation
3513.2 P (b) Waste Management, Resource Conservation and Recycling
3514 P/R (2) Equipment
3515 P/R (3) Community Use of School Facilities
3515.1 P (a) Use of Smith Hill Park Playscape
3515.2 P (b) Parking
(4) Safety
3516.5 P (a) Sex Offenders on School Property
3520.13 P (b) Student Data Privacy
3524 P/R D. Hazardous Materials in Schools
3524.1 P (1) Pesticide Application
3524.2 P/R (2) Green Cleaning Program
E. Fixed Operations
3532.1 P (1) Insurance
3533 P (2) Employee Bonds
F. Auxiliary Agencies
3541 P/R (1) Transportation
(a) Routes and Services
3541.313 P (i) Video Cameras on School Transportation
3541.32 P (ii) Special Transportation for School Related Trips
3541.44 P/R (b) Student Transportation in Private Vehicles
3541.5 P/R (c) Transportation Safety Complaints
3541.9 P (d) Accident Reporting
3542 P/R (2) Food Service
3542.43 P (i) Charging Policy
3543 P (3) Office Services
(a) Communication Services
3543.13 P (i) Mail and Delivery
3543.31 P (b) Electronic Communications-Use/Retention