Colebrook Consolidated School
Colebrook School Ranked #20
in CT Elementary Schools
CCS is recognized as the #20 elementary school in the State of Connecticut out of 838 schools!
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Our Mission
The Colebrook Consolidated School, working in partnership with parents and the community, is committed to providing a safe, nurturing, quality educational experience where each child acquires the skills to become a life-long learner and succeed in a changing global society.
CCS Celebrating 75 YEARS!
EST. 1949
PowerSchool Cybersecurity Incident
January 8, 2025
Good afternoon Colebrook Consolidated School Families and Staff:
I want to make you aware of a widespread PowerSchool cybersecurity breach that was reported to school districts late yesterday afternoon.
On December 28th, PowerSchool became aware of a potential cybersecurity incident which was targeting schools throughout the nation. An unknown actor had accessed a community support site, using compromised credentials to access both staff and student information. As soon as PowerSchool learned of the potential incident, they immediately engaged cybersecurity response protocols and mobilized a cross-functional response team, including senior leadership, and third-party cybersecurity experts. Law enforcement was also informed. As a result of the ongoing investigation efforts and actions thereafter, PowerSchool has assured school districts that any compromised data has been safeguarded. They have also deactivated the compromised credential and restricted all access to the affected portal. Additionally, they conducted a full password reset and further tightened password and access control for all PowerSource customer support portal accounts. PowerSchool is now continuously monitoring the web for data assurance.
Locally, our technology team is taking additional steps to further safeguard our district data and access procedures. If and when more information becomes available, we will share it with you.
Robert F. Gilbert
Ms. Troiano's School Psychologist page!
Mrs. Mascola's Special Education page!